Today marks 3.5 years together with the lovely Georg Gaugl, so let’s get on this bandwagon and do this #valentineschallenge 🤍
Share your story! Valentine’s Day is coming! 🥰❤️
Here’s our story:
First Date? Ditching both of our friend groups while on Yacht Week in Croatia during the time we were visiting Hvar—I wanted to ditch a party for some pizza and he invited himself to join me, and we ended up going to some fancy outdoor seaside restaurant instead and ordering everything on the menu…but then decided to cancel everything and just go explore the city pretending we were newlyweds hahahahahah
How long have you been together? 3.5 years today!!
Married? Nope
Age difference? He’s 11 months older
Who was interested first? He was
Who is taller? Obviously I am………….
Who said I love you first? He did 🙂
Most impatient? 100% me, but I’m impatient in all aspects of life lol
Most sensitive? Hi it me
Loudest? I feel targeted
Most stubborn? Your girl is a Capricorn….what can I say?
Falls asleep first? Depends on the day and our respective work loads! And whether or not I had a second afternoon espresso break lol
Cooks better: I think we both cook well! He’s great with the consistent classics and I’m great with the fancier dishes 🤍
Better morning person: definitely not Georg 😅😂 but he’s not a grumpy morning man either … he just prefers very quiet starts to the day … meanwhile I’m like ready to hit an HIIT boot camp out of bed or at the least, start blasting a fun playlist throughout the place lol
Better driver: Him, and he drives us everywhere – I haven’t had to drive in a while and I’m not particularly fond of stick shift 😪
Most competitive: Depends on the context. We’re both competitive. I’m much more of a sore loser though haha at least I express it more openly
Funniest: I think were both funny, but I’m definitely the goof between the two of us
Who is more social? He is for sure lol but I enjoy being pulled out to more events than I would have picked on my own—life’s so much more fun this way!
Who is the neat freak? We each have our phases but generally speaking I’m more meticulous about visual organization / everything in the apartment having its “proper place/home” and he is more about surfaces being wiped and the like. It’s a nice balance so our place is either totally clean or a total mess lol
Where was your first kiss? In a tiny room on a boat while docked in Trogir
Who initiated your first kiss? He did…let’s leave it at that haha
How long did it take to get serious? After about 5 days of knowing each other haha
Who picks where you go to dinner?
Go out to dinner? What’s this historical concept of past times?? Lol normally we both do. Actually I’m the one that comes up with new suggestions for us to try, he’s the one who tells me about friend-dinners we’ve been invited to
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? Both of us make it a priority to respect each other in this way…ok maybe it takes me a little bit LONGER to say something, but we are both big on owning up to our faults 🙂🙂
Who wears the pants in the relationship? We’re a strictly no-pants couple.
Who has more tattoos? Me by default – he’s got virgin skin
Who sings better? Neither sings better than the other, our love for music was one of the first things that brought us together 🙂
Hogs the remote? He does but i don’t consider it hogging – in fact, I prefer he remain the Vernbedienungmeister
Spends the most? He does but I’m no saint lol
Did you go to the same school? No
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together? The Philippines!
Who drives when you are going somewhere? See above
Post a picture/picture(s) of you and your valentine 🥰 #ValentinesDayChallenge